Specialized exhibition of Giant schnauzers and Miniature Schnauzers, Yaroslavl
Specialized exhibition of the rank of Champion of the club of Giant schnauzers Russia
Giant schnauzer black
Gloris A Capella - CW, Best female 4
Gloris Avant-Garde - excellent, CC
Gloris Birmingham - CW, Best Male 1, BOS, Champion of the club!
Глорис Вьюга - CW, Best Puppy!
Глорис Танго - CW, Best veteran 1!
Best of breeder - Gloris - 1!!!
Specialty show of Miniature Schnauzer of rank Club Winner
Zwergschnauzers b/s
Glоris Maleficent - CW, Club Winner, BOS!!!
Judge: Zake Ligita
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